After 3 months of hiatus...and Now I'm Backkkkk!!!! <--- mcm laa ade org kesah..ngeh3~
But,nevr mind...ade aku kesah??yg penting I'm officially graduated from UNI%#^!!! *ureshhhhiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!* <---- throws confetti!!
And Final examination result was really shocking...Full point...Full stop.
Presentation dh lpas,thesis dh what?? duk umah goyang kaki laa...smentara tggu TNB panggil utk mnjadi seorng wanita berkerjaya..mari menghabiskan segala movie and series kat dlam external tu..huhuhu~
Ok..that's all for today..this post is the content pown unplanned gak laa kan...but I ended my post with this pics...
notakaki penulis : Not a student anymore..ngeh3~