Yer2,ketika sumer ELF tgah tido dgan senyuman smpai ke telinga pada ketika ini,penulis terpaksa bersengkang mata mmbace nota2 database yg memeningkan dan membengongkan serta mmbosankan dan pada waktu yg same kepala otak melayang mmbyangkan diri berada kat Stadium Bukit Jalil tgok konsert Super Junior *angau*...asal laa my oppa dtg time tgah final exam neh???Potong stim betoll!!!*nk marah laa nie* (-_-)"
Xfaham ape yg saye merepek???sile lihat gmbar dibawah
Super Junior buat konsert kat Bukit Jalil malam td (20/3/2010)...i'm dying to see them especially my fishy donghae-oppa,but this final exam mode is not allowing me to ..(T___T)"...*sarcastic*
Btw,this is my final exam ttable for this semester :
22 March 2010 - Database System
23 March 2010 - Artificial Intelligence
24 March 2010 - Object-Oriented Programming
25 March 2010 - Human Computer Interaction
27 March 2010 - Software Quality
4 days in a row??believe it or not??believe it...muahahhaha *abaikan..kepala mmg tgah ting tong skrang neh* mmg agak demi !@#$%^&*()_+ yg telah dijanjikan oleh umi kalw penulis dpat result gempak sem ni..penulis snggup berjuang dan berperang hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir...I will work hard till my head crack off for the "thing"...It's really worth it u know...*for me laaa..hehe*
N for pembakar semangat...i edit this picture and set it as my desktop background..
So,every time i look at this picture and see my lovely Matsujun tgah study...terus cepat2 ambik nota n study bersame2 beliau...rase mcm tgah study group pown ade...tbe2 terbayang tgah ajar Jun database or OOP....*eh??dh termasuk mode "merepek"ing lah...muahahhaaha*
Owhhhh!!!dh nk masuk pukul 5am laa..kene pakse diri utk tido...esok smbng study pulak...
[Kene ckp GudNite or GudMorning neh??]
notakaki penulis : TING TONG TIN TONG...(@___@)
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