
April 29, 2010



I just receive sms from anis this morning and she said that my "STORM" is already shipped...
It may take 2 weeks for them to arrive....URESHIII YO!!!!!!!!!Hontou ni Ureshiikatta!!YATTA!!!YATTA!!Yatta-man!!! [jump of HAPPINESS]

Have a safe trip ne...matteiru kara!!! *dies of happiness*


FYI,i spent most of my time at the office by reading be specific, I'm stalking ARASHI's blog...muhahhahahahhha!! n guess what??i've never even bored about that..instead,i feel a little bit annoying when the client's call while I'm reading...ahahahahaha..*ish,kcw daun laa diorng nie...*
n i still have numerous number of Arashi's blog in my list that I still not read yet..lalallallala~
[Jumping of happiness again n again]..Thought i will spend my 3 month here by stalking my ARASHI...ahakz~

hmmm...i wonder what modem of internet connection that this fangirls use...bcoz they can download all the doramas,shows and concerts for a short for my berodband takes like forever to download 1 part of their concerts...aiyooooo~ *prefer watching it online*..or maybe their patience and craziness of Arashi makes them feel it doesn't matter how long they have to wait as long as they can keep their fandoms in the PC..hohohoho~

And people like me just enjoy taking advantages by other people works...*stare with MAOU looks*... ;D


notakaki penulis : This will happen when you spend 8 hours by doing nothing.

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