it's only 3rd day of the week and i feel kind of like "I Can't Take It Anymore!!!!"
I wish today is Friday, so that I can get some time to relax.....(-_____-)"
As I mentioned in the previous post, last weekend I went to shopping2 baju raya and jalan2 smpai malam and smpai x hengat,ni laa balasannya klw org tu bersenang2 dulu bersusah2 kemudian.....*padan muka aku*
I don't feel that the assignments given is super duper hard or something like u cannot do...but somehow I feel really stress..There are thousands of assignment's given [Alhamdulliah,sumer dh selamat submit] last minutes and have to submit in a short period of time..and I also have to prepare for my presentation and also for my FYP report....The worst part is when the lecturers do a pop-quiz....aiyyyooooo....dh laaa mmg xcukup mase pown nk selak nota tu..keje bnyak bertimbun2...pastu duk teringat2 kuiz yg xdpat jawab tadi...lepas tu dpat markah rendah menambahkan lagi stress itu....MMG STRESS btol laaa...taihen deshou ne~
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