
July 24, 2011

My New Addiction : Biggy-Bangy

Sbnarnye kan, penulis dah lupe mcm mane boleh terjebak dgan mereka ber-5... *almaklum laaa..sejak jadi wanita bekerjaya ni..bnyak bnde nk kne pikir...muahahahahahaha!!* Tp klw x silap penulis semuanya bermula dari video Lollipop <--- click here to watch the video..

Start lpas dgar lagu lollipop tu laaa berjangkit kpade lagu seterusnya dan seterusnya...n now my-Biggy playlist dah jadi no.1 rival to my-Arashi-tachi playlist..

Mereka ini adalah K-pop group tp sngt aktif di Korea n Japan....sape2 yg xminat korea boleh laa berknalan dgan lagu2 Jepun diorng dulu (Highly Recommend : Beautiful Hangover, Koe o Kikasete, Baby baby baby, My Heaven and Tell Me Goodbye)

Mari berkenalan bersama mereka.....

Dari kiri : GD (pakai spec) , Daesung, Taeyang , TOP and Seungri (baju kotak)..

Dari kiri : TOP , Seungri , GD , Taeyang and Daesung

Dari kiri : Seungri , GD , Taeyang , TOP , Daesung..

Ok...Dah knal kan?? malas nk buat profile sorng2...nk taw lebih lanjut sile google sendiri...ngeh3~

And my ichiban from this group is the Leader!!!! G-Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a fashionable + cool + cute + stylo guys....totally my style..heeeeeee~ *chotto matte...jun2 also is a this fate???* (sparkling eyes)

Some picspam of my-GD.......

Kawaii deshou?? really weird style and fashion but he really look good in it....

Nak dijadikan cerita..sbb minat kpade encik2 biggy hampir setaraf dgan my-Arashi,so saye pown bershopping laaa dkat TS..alaaaaaa..tempat yg saye habiskan duit beli barang2 arashi tu laa...skrang saye habiskan duit beli barang2 biggy plak...hehhehehe~

Below is my new collection of Big Bang stuff...

Gomen2..gambar 1st tu sile rotate sndiri laaa yer..malas nk re-upload balik gambar..huhuhu~

Notakaki penulis : makin bertambah2 xde laaa duit lpas ni...aigoooo~

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