Recently (especially after graduation), I keep whinning about getting a new watch...then, survey laa sendiri jam2 yg ade (nk beli kene tggu akhir bulan...hehehehe)...survey punyer survey,berkenan laa dekat satu jam ni, 'S' brand...
Smart kan?? then bising2 laa kat my mom and dad...n diorng pown agreed nk kongsi2 beli as my graduation present....
And today,kitorng pown jalan2 kat Sunway Piramid smbil lunch kat Subway...and it happens ade satu kedai jam betul2 sebelah Subway tu...cari punyer cari, there's one design 80% similar with design yg kat atas ni..price pown lg nk dijadikan cter, rezeki tu mmg dh tertulis agaknyer, i'm not getting just one, but TWO WATCHES!!! *can u believe that??*
Totally my-style!!! If u look closely...the combination of this two watches will produce the 'S' brand watch...huhuuhu~
Choooooooooooo Uressshiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *senyum smpai telinga*
notakaki penulis : Hontou ni Arigatou!!! *bows 90 degrees*
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