
December 26, 2011

Merry Aiba-masu!!!

Yeaaaayyyy!!! it's Holiday Time!!! though it's 26 DEC already,but i know it never too late to wish Aiba-chan a

HAAAAPPPYYY 29th BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYY AIBA-chan!!!!! *throws confetti*

Can't believe he's going to be in his 30's next year.....Aiba-chan,Y U SO HANDSOME??? aiggoooooo~

Pic credit to : Little Kytty on FB

Btw,it's been a hectic week last week.....From Kota Bharu to Kuantan and Muar..Back in KL on Friday and have to masuk office back on Saturday....Working like crazy,but at the same time I enjoy travelling here and there,can meet many kind of people...x de laa dduk 24/7 at office and mengadap PC jer kan?? *Boss,please let me travel bnyak2 lg yer??*


*rasenyer bnyak lagi nk kongsi,but somehow my brain suddenly went blank* Damn!! I guess I have to stop right here for now...Later,when I remember what I want to say I will share it on the next post yea??

notakaki penulis : 2 days to go and I'll be 22years old.. =D

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