BANNNNNYAAAAAAKKKKK sngt criter untuk di bnyk yg saya dh lupe...huhuhu..bukan salah saya..salahkan blogspot...dye memutuskan mood saya ketika mood utk blogging dtg pda tahap maksima...(-____-)"
BTW, final exam saya dh habis!!!!!!!!! yeayyyyy!!! *realitinya,saya dh merdeka lebih kurang 2 minggu yg lepas, yup, saya anggap cerita ini telah bukan salah saya..salahkan blogspot*
For the first 4 paper, i can say that it was not as tough as i imagine..alhamdulillah,i still can handle it..*i hope so*...and when it comes to the last paper, where we should enjoy our time celebrating the end of the semester... it turn to be full disaster,the paper was so damn hard! haillaaaa~
Bout my final project presentation........*ok, i don't want to give a single damn comment about it..i think i've gives my best for the report n the presentation*
And here i am at my college after a short half week of break, attending the software testing courses for 4 days....quite bored + interesting course for me though..the 'lecturer' is from India..n he keep talking n talking n talking n talking from 9 am - 6pm non-stop...*he's only taking a break when we ask brain is so damn full of testing type*
Fweuhhh...lega rasenye dpat tulis something kat blog ni...even this is not the thing that i want to post at the first place...but, i'm ok with it..HAHAHHAHA!! <--- minah ni hyper dpat tulis blog.
notakaki penulis : tahniah kepada pasukan kelantan sbb jadi juara piala Malaysia buat kali pertama..saya xkan lupe suasana riuh rendah ibu2 yg ditinggalkan di rumah kerana bapak2nya pegi stadium..hahahha...n saya xkan lupe yg irfan yg sedng tido itu terbangun bbrape kali akibat gegaran n jeritan yg dilakukan oleh mamanya..hahhahhaha
notakaki penulis2: Happy 5th anniversary to Super Junior!! oppa,Fighting!! =)
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