Now,i'm all alone in this house..n i'm Soo bored...xtaw nk buat ape..nk tgok cter jepun pown cm xde mood..nk tgok TV xde program yg menarik..Asean games pown, Malaysian punyer teams bnyak yg dh balik,ape nk buat?? cuba habaq mai kat chek ni..
Cuti sem kali ni mmg xsempat nk rase relaks...*this is the first day yg saya dduk kat umah n xbuat ape2, and it ends up i getting bored at 1.30pm..sbb saya bngun pon pukul **.30 am..hahaha!*
xde kaitan.
ok2...cuti sem kali ni mmg busy n dipenuhi oleh aktiviti2 yg boleh dikatakan berfaedah...habis presentation fyp aritu ari selasa...and on the next isnin dh kene berkampung kat uniten balik sbb ade ISTQB course for one week *rajin sngt join course2 neh dikala seluruh uniten tgah menikmati cuti sem*...come back from the course on the another next monday *but on weekend,sempat lagi naek Bukit Merah*..xsempat nk ilang penat,hari selasa tuh dh balik Klate for Raya Haji smpai laa ari khamis malam...jumaat,sabtu,and ahad dh sibuk ngemas umah laa,terima tetamu,pegi lawat org sakit,bla bla bla..n today another monday has arrive..and my examintaions results katenye kuar this Saturday n i have to go back to Uniten on Monday....Shaiittt!! mase ouh mase..can't u slow down a bit...let me rase dulu nikmat cuti yg sebenarnya...aiyoooo...
Final project 2...plan asal nk start laa sket2 during this nmpaknya, plan hanya tinggal plan laa kan...malas betul nk ngadap bende2 time laa pikir...HAHHHAHAH!! <---- budak yg dh x de perasaan atau risau pasal mase depan sndiri.
Actually, bnyak jer gmbar2 dalam en.kamera itu..picture during the course,Bukit Merah and Raya malas nk post..biar je laa yer...huhuhu
notakaki penulis : ini laa yg jadi bile xde keje nk buat.
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