
April 6, 2013

Lapor diri Bhgn. 3 - My Holiday Trips

Untuk tahun 2012,penulis pergi ke 2 tmpat yang penulis tak sangka yang penulis akan pergi . It's kind of like dreams come true...*alhamdulillah, sejak mnjadi wanita bekerjaya ni,rezeki bertambah - tambah*

So, tempat ape yg penulis maksudkan? sile bace entry ini sehingga habis..

1. My trips to Singapore

Actually, ni bukan first time penulis menjejakkan kaki ke kota singa ni. Tapi ni first time penulis pergi holiday dgan kawan-kawan. Plus, we manage to survive there just by bus and MRT,mmg rase mcm backpackers yang sejati..hik3~

p/s : Penulis just upload gambar penulis seorng diri untuk menghormati privacy rakan-rakan penulis yang laen. Harap maklum.

2. Mesti korang tak kan percaya kalaw penulis bgtaw tempat kedua yg penulis pergi ni..Tempat yang menjadi idaman penulis sejak bertahun-tahun, agak-agak boleh teka tak kat mane?? YES, BETUL TU!! TEPAT SEKALI!!


And the most exciting part is that we go to Japan without following the travel agent!! So, what do you expect me to do to survive for almost one week there??

I speak Japanese okeng..Can you believe that?? Even I myself impress with my own ability to speak Japanese..hahahaha! *I spent around 2years learning nihon-go on my own and 1 year attending Japanese classes..TOTALLY WORTH IT! *

How I wish i can stay there longer...*hhhhhaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhh* Anyway, I really had a super duper great time there..Despite the cold weather,the kindness of nihon-jin really makes me just you have to communicate with them in japanese language or else there will stare at you with "Don't ask me anything,I don't speak English" look..But hey don't worry, the best thing about nihon-jin is they will try their best to answer ur question even though they can't speak English very well. =)

So, where do you think I should go for my next holiday trip? *wink*

notakaki penulis : Nak kene tambah stamina dari skrang untuk next holiday.

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