June 28, 2010
Say Hello to Final Year!
June 21, 2010
Lupe ke buat2 lupe?
June 17, 2010
Tanjoubi Omedetou 二宮和也!!
*Today is Arashi's Kazu's Bzday!!*
yeah, it's true that nino is my least favourite member in Arashi [run from Nino's fans...>.<]..but still, atashi wa kare ga suki!!! [I still like him!!] hehehehe~
Owhh Nino,how can this 'small' man can turn 27 years old this year while he still look as he is 17??!!
You can say this post is made special for Nino's bzday a.k.a Tribute to Nino...SO, the reason why I
1. Because he IS bratty-Nino that always bullying my Aiba-chan...>.< *and others too*
and poor Aiba still happy/glad that he beeing bullied...he said "That is the way how Nino-kun shows his love to me" ...(-____-)"
2. I love the way he appriciate money.... *it's more to stingy though..LoL~*
"Sometimes, I hang around with others member with barehand [not bring any money] bcoz I know they will pay for the meal" - NINO
3. The way he ignore others when start playing his Game... *owhh Nino,do u know how much I want that Wii/Mario while u can get all the games for free??!!*
5.Though I don't want to admit it,but this kid is a very multitalented person...FROM..
June 15, 2010
7 days to go...
Minnaaaaa!!! let's say Yeayyyy!!!!!!!.yeah like that...one more time...YEAAYYYYY!!!!!!
and now with aiba-chan style and that "Ganbatte's Hand" YEAYYYYY!!!!!!
7 days to go and I'm going "to be fuuu-riiiiii [free] !!!!!!!".....YEAYYYYY!!!!!
End's of my Industrial Training...pejam celik pejam celik,sedar x sedar it's have been 3 months I'm working here...will I miss this kind of working environment?????
Erkkkk....no komen....NEXT QUESTION please!!
Dakara,Countdown wa HAJIMARU YO!!! [So,Let's start our countdown!!
notakaki penulis : Fight-o.....OH!!!!
Johnny's Time!!
But, it's Johnnyssssssssssssssssssss's Steamboat!!! YATTAAA!!YATTAA!!
It's been sometimes since my last steamboat session with my family...tbe2 mengidam laa plak kan....Remember the post that I've said I overnight at my campus with my tomodachi[friends] ???Yeahhh,the next day,we went to Jusco Balakong and 'pekena' our steamboat!!
So, here's the sashiin [picture] of kesengalan and the excited kids..
notakaki penulis : ble nk p pekena steamboat kat tupai-tupai plak???*wink2*
June 13, 2010
Fangirl Mode : ON
The drama, titled "Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku," and his character as a "tsundere" guy [notes: tsundere is a term referring to people who are normally cold in personality but become overly fawning when they are around their love interest]....Hmmmmmm..I guess his Domyouji's character can be seeing again in this drama...and the heroine is 30 years old...yeah,older than him,but in Kimi wa petto also his character with an older woman right??...so,I guess this story is "HANA YORI DANGO + KIMi WA PETTO"???
Isn't he handsome + gorgeous in this new look??? I've fallen for it for the first time I seen this picture....
June 12, 2010
New Look.
What do you think of this blog new look??
Kirei desu ne....deshou???deshou??hehheheh~
At first,I thought to change the template,but it will ruin my Arashi's banner..So,I guess I only change the background...huhuhu...but still,it's nice right??? *wink2* (^_____*)v
though the first thing that come to my mind is "The big love on the right hand side look-like the love on my bedsheet."...
Thanks to sarah and syasya for contributing the idea and opinion on my new layout although sumer mcm org gile dh layan perangai aku malam semalam...hhahhahahhha!!
Demo,tanoshii desu ne...yaaaaa~ KIMOCHIIII!!!! \\(^___ ^)//
There are too many things to story....but,I guess I should finish post what I should post in "List-to-post" entry first...Hope I manage to catch-up to post all this...=)
notakaki penulis : Finish watching "Baby and me"...Overall,the storyline is so-so only...but the handsome hero [Geun Suk] and a Kawaii baby make it better!!!!
June 11, 2010
List-to-post as a fangirl..
Though I'm sleeping at my friend's apartment toningt,I think I'm not be able to post it today...so,I guess I'll make pre-post-list so I won't forget what I'm thinking right now...
- 1 year anniversary as a ARASHI's fangirl
It's been a year since I'm become ARASHI's fangirl...I guess I've to celebrate it ne~ (^___^)
Thanks to my campus that seperated me with my friends even it is just for two weeks.....because of this '2 precious weeks'
- my life turn 180 degrees from Malaysian to Malay-Panian [it's Malaysia + Japan...what an awkward name...@______@]....
- I know who the hell is ARASHI!!! [and I'm glad I'm "meeting" them]
- I gain a new hobby [stalking a new Jdrama,Jsongs and most important thing JE boys!!!]
- I know how to manage my account as I have to save money to buy 'precious' good from CDJapan or YesAsia.
- My guy/male taste have changed to an Asian Japan/Korean looks.
- My second language is not English but Engrish.
- I've learn Japanese language [speaking/writng] all by myself!!
- I've rarely hear any Malay or English song as my MP3 and my car's music player are 100% full with Japanese songs only.
and I never regret that kind of thing happen to me....^___^
notakaki penulis : Arashi - C.A.R.N.I.V.A.L NIGHT!!!
June 10, 2010
Bagai ditembak tepat di kepala dan dada..
So,early this morning everthing is smoother as usual....I'm not nervous at all [okay,maybe a little bit],becoz as far as I heard from my friends,their visiting lecturer come and see their presentation,meet their supervisor and ask them a few question,and not even 1/2 hour everything is settled..
and as time passing and I saw the clock reaching around 2.45pm,my heartbeat's rhythm become faster and faster [notes: like Arashi's hiphop song - A day in our life]..[as my lecturer promise to come on 3]....I was like [OMG!!what happen to me???my heart is going to explode!!!]
and my lecturer come around 3.15pm...we present as usual - with full of confidence and professionalism [I guess]....after present,we sit facing the lecturer and our supervisor for Q&A session...and this is when the story begin...
Lecturer : You say,you've learn how to work in team??Can u explain that..
: Can u give me the example on how you " Adapt with working environment and communications skill with employees and users??"
: What kind of word that you use to send email to the user that show you're professionalism??
: What is the difference between professional way and unprofessional way??
: Let's say you are in you're supervisor's shoes,what kind of trainee that u expected to come to work with you??
: Are you regeret to be assigned here because all the works that u do is not related at all from what you've learn in the university??
and our session last for 1 and half hour!!!!
I really had a drop-jaw when I heard this kind of "death" question...I think I must be sooooo relax when I heard my friends's story,and the opposite thing happen to me...My mind is totally blank..it's like my heart had many thing to say,but my mouth doesn't want to talk....I guess I just let my friends to answer those question while I'm just back up here and there...and the moment that I only talk when the lecturer point on me....[I guess he thinks I'm quiet person]..and it's totally a BIG failure for me...
I'm totally,seriously nervous right now,though I don't know why I've this kind of feeling...It's not like the first time I feel like this..but,what happen this is evening really make my heart hurt..I feel like a loser....yeahh...that feeling....THE LOSER'S FEELING...(T_______T)
and the worst part is when my eye 'caught' one of the evaluation form that the lecturer or supervisor answer based on our presentations and Q&A session...I don't know who the evaluation form is belong to,but all the assessment is answered with "3 - SATISFACTORY"...I was like..ooommmoooooo~ is that's mine???...just SATISFACTORY???not even GOOD???[I know that I'm far from the EXCELLENT result]...and after that moment,my mood change 360degree..I was like..."I'm dead, TOTALLY DEAD..." [I think I've repeat this millions time a long my way home]....
I don't know how to calm myself right now....I guess my heartbeat's hiphop-rhythm this evening is like a kind of sign that show something bad is going to happen ne~~.. I should forget what happen today....what's passed is pass... I should focus on my final report and gain marks from there...[I guess]
notakaki penulis : Arashi - Fight Song
June 3, 2010