
June 21, 2010

Lupe ke buat2 lupe?

This week is my last week of internship
I suppose to enjoy myself right???
Unfortunately,most of the staff pegi kursus laa plak kan..
So,the office was like in deep silence for these 3 days....*Is that a sign that we can do wateva we like during our last week* wink2....(^_____*)v

Iie..Iie...Iie...*smbli geleng2 kpale*....This mean,that I have to concentrate 100% on my final report...[Full Blast Energy : ON]

I was full of energy just an hour ago, till I realize the important book which I write all the report's draft was left at the office!!!! [Remaining Energy = 20%]

And here I am crapping and mumbling on my own blog....aiigooooo~

notakaki penulis : konfem esok start balik dgan penuh smangat...*hope so*...*siggghhhh*

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