
June 13, 2010


Do you know what is the meaning of this post???? It's a Korean's language....

EOMEONI/OMMAA = mother,mommy,mama.

wondering why I want to post this entry????

Because I've found the most cutest baby in Korean!!!!!!
and the Mommy's feeling have grown up in me.....[I know I'm still young for being a mommy...hehe]
But still,I bet u also will fall in love when u see this baby's pic.....Are u ready???

3,2,1.......introducing the first baby....Jung YooGeun!!!! *clap2*

His first appearance is on HELLO BABY tv show,which he is babysitted by 5 adorable appa....SHINEE!!! [to be truth,I watch this show because of Minho..ahakz]

Good night my baby *kiss*

and the second baby goes to MASON MOON!!!!!!! *aiggoooooo...just by typing his name make me fell for his cuteness*
His first appearance is on the movies,"Baby and me" with Geun Suk appa!!! again,another handsome papa!!!>.<

Are you ready for the most epic pictute ever???Here you go!!!!

Ommmooooo...I wish I have a cute child like him...Look at those cheeky smile + round eyes + his cheeks...*dies for his cuteness*

notakaki penulis : Kene kawen ngan org Korea/Japan laa nmpaknyer...huhuhu~

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