
November 26, 2010

Otanjoubi Omedetou Oh-chan!!!

It's my 190th post!! and i dedicated this post to wish our Leader.......

Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu


u are sooo young for a 30 years old obaa-san!! hehehehe...

matured Ohno..
sexy Ohno...
"shhh...don't tell anyone that I'm 30"
"because I am 10 years old younger than what u think"
"Nino-chan,It's me!! Ohno Satoshi desu!!"

notakaki penulis : result dh kuar!!! Alhamdulillah,cemerlang gemilang dan terbilang!! Ureshii yo~

November 22, 2010

I'm sick!!

I'm sick!!! oh's really2 bad...hidung mcm kene sumbat dgan mukus2 yg x diundang...makin dihembus makin bnyak yg was like never ending mukus...aiyooooo~ n my throat..yeah,my throat as well buat hal...i keep coughing and coughing all day.....makan ubat cap kelapa laut afrika pown x de kesan...mmg boleh cmpak ke laut laa....aiiihhhh~

Now,i'm all alone in this house..n i'm Soo bored...xtaw nk buat ape..nk tgok cter jepun pown cm xde mood..nk tgok TV xde program yg menarik..Asean games pown, Malaysian punyer teams bnyak yg dh balik,ape nk buat?? cuba habaq mai kat chek ni..

Cuti sem kali ni mmg xsempat nk rase relaks...*this is the first day yg saya dduk kat umah n xbuat ape2, and it ends up i getting bored at 1.30pm..sbb saya bngun pon pukul **.30 am..hahaha!*

xde kaitan.

ok2...cuti sem kali ni mmg busy n dipenuhi oleh aktiviti2 yg boleh dikatakan berfaedah...habis presentation fyp aritu ari selasa...and on the next isnin dh kene berkampung kat uniten balik sbb ade ISTQB course for one week *rajin sngt join course2 neh dikala seluruh uniten tgah menikmati cuti sem*...come back from the course on the another next monday *but on weekend,sempat lagi naek Bukit Merah*..xsempat nk ilang penat,hari selasa tuh dh balik Klate for Raya Haji smpai laa ari khamis malam...jumaat,sabtu,and ahad dh sibuk ngemas umah laa,terima tetamu,pegi lawat org sakit,bla bla bla..n today another monday has arrive..and my examintaions results katenye kuar this Saturday n i have to go back to Uniten on Monday....Shaiittt!! mase ouh mase..can't u slow down a bit...let me rase dulu nikmat cuti yg sebenarnya...aiyoooo...

Final project 2...plan asal nk start laa sket2 during this nmpaknya, plan hanya tinggal plan laa kan...malas betul nk ngadap bende2 time laa pikir...HAHHHAHAH!! <---- budak yg dh x de perasaan atau risau pasal mase depan sndiri.

Actually, bnyak jer gmbar2 dalam en.kamera itu..picture during the course,Bukit Merah and Raya malas nk post..biar je laa yer...huhuhu

notakaki penulis : ini laa yg jadi bile xde keje nk buat.

November 10, 2010

Never ending drama.

Once dh start blogging, i really can't control myself to post about my Japanese thingy ...HAHHAHHAA!

Recently, ive finish watching natsuniji....the storyline is quite slow for me...but if it is not for my beloved jun2..i think i never ever think to finish the drama...hahhaha....gomen-ne,jun2..i don't think i'll watch the drama for the 2nd time....huhuhu~

and while waiting for nino's drama to start....i've take a few drama n movies (Japanese + Korean) from my friends...n there's a folder called "Minami" n it's has only two episodes in, i thought it was a short drama or something like that..guess what?? the drama was AWESOME!! and unfortunately, the drama not ended on the 2nd, i search to this magical website called and find out that the "Minami" drama is also known as "You're Beautiful"!!!

And I have heard about this story bout 100millions time!! the drama even get into 2nd place in dramacrazy's chart,and because i'm not into the korean drama,i don't even bother to watch it...but,when this situation happen, and i couldn't watch the next episode, i'm like 'cacing kepanasan' to watch it...unfortunately,my broadband-chan buat's become soo damn, i decide to buy the DVD...but the cost of it is around RM100.00!!! I was like "WTH??it's sooo worthless to buy", i keep this drama pending on my list until i found the cheaper DVD.

Nino's new drama finally start, Freeter,ie wo kao....Nino's acting was superb!!! His acting as a rude son was totally stunning...I admit that i've a jaw-dropped when see he scolding his mom and dad on this drama...Now, i'm at episode 2..Looking forward for the next next episode....Yoroshiku ne~~ (^__^)v

Now,back to the DVD case....while I'm sooooo disappointed to see the price of the "You're Beautiful" DVD,my eyes caught on this 'turtle'-chan (Kame) drama.....I've looking forward to see this drama about 5 @ 6 months ago....but, i don't have time to watch it and i'm quite busy with my, i totally forgot about it, and the DVD shop sells this DVD for only RM28!! SP***Y VIDEO sells this for RM50 you, i just grab it and pay at the counter....This story was hillarious!!! I even gelak terguling2 while watching this drama...Kamenashi Kazuya wa CHOOOOOOO KAWAIIII!!!! rase mcm nk peluk2 n cubit2 jer dye dlam cter ni...hailaaaa~

Donghae's drama will start on this 22nd Nov...this is his first attempt as an actor...really looking forward to watch it....I think i'll follow this drama and Nino's drama at the same time...Don't want it to be like "Minami" case....Donghae-Oppa, Fighting!!

notakaki penulis : lega lepas dpat post ape yg ade kat dalam otak neh..nk smbng tgok JDrama plak...mata jaa-ne~

Bloggy Faulty.

WHHOOOTTT!!! akhirnya saya berjaya mengupdate blog kesayangan saya ni....bukannye saya x nak update....dh lebih dari beribu2 kali *ok,itu sngt hiperbola* saya meng'sign-in' kan diri, tapi blogspot x mengizinkan saya utk membuat ape2 post pown....saye pown xtaw knape.sungguh.saya xtipoo.

BANNNNNYAAAAAAKKKKK sngt criter untuk di bnyk yg saya dh lupe...huhuhu..bukan salah saya..salahkan blogspot...dye memutuskan mood saya ketika mood utk blogging dtg pda tahap maksima...(-____-)"

BTW, final exam saya dh habis!!!!!!!!! yeayyyyy!!! *realitinya,saya dh merdeka lebih kurang 2 minggu yg lepas, yup, saya anggap cerita ini telah bukan salah saya..salahkan blogspot*

For the first 4 paper, i can say that it was not as tough as i imagine..alhamdulillah,i still can handle it..*i hope so*...and when it comes to the last paper, where we should enjoy our time celebrating the end of the semester... it turn to be full disaster,the paper was so damn hard! haillaaaa~

Bout my final project presentation........*ok, i don't want to give a single damn comment about it..i think i've gives my best for the report n the presentation*

And here i am at my college after a short half week of break, attending the software testing courses for 4 days....quite bored + interesting course for me though..the 'lecturer' is from India..n he keep talking n talking n talking n talking from 9 am - 6pm non-stop...*he's only taking a break when we ask brain is so damn full of testing type*

Fweuhhh...lega rasenye dpat tulis something kat blog ni...even this is not the thing that i want to post at the first place...but, i'm ok with it..HAHAHHAHA!! <--- minah ni hyper dpat tulis blog.

notakaki penulis : tahniah kepada pasukan kelantan sbb jadi juara piala Malaysia buat kali pertama..saya xkan lupe suasana riuh rendah ibu2 yg ditinggalkan di rumah kerana bapak2nya pegi stadium..hahahha...n saya xkan lupe yg irfan yg sedng tido itu terbangun bbrape kali akibat gegaran n jeritan yg dilakukan oleh mamanya..hahhahhaha

notakaki penulis2: Happy 5th anniversary to Super Junior!! oppa,Fighting!! =)