
December 26, 2011

Merry Aiba-masu!!!

Yeaaaayyyy!!! it's Holiday Time!!! though it's 26 DEC already,but i know it never too late to wish Aiba-chan a

HAAAAPPPYYY 29th BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYY AIBA-chan!!!!! *throws confetti*

Can't believe he's going to be in his 30's next year.....Aiba-chan,Y U SO HANDSOME??? aiggoooooo~

Pic credit to : Little Kytty on FB

Btw,it's been a hectic week last week.....From Kota Bharu to Kuantan and Muar..Back in KL on Friday and have to masuk office back on Saturday....Working like crazy,but at the same time I enjoy travelling here and there,can meet many kind of people...x de laa dduk 24/7 at office and mengadap PC jer kan?? *Boss,please let me travel bnyak2 lg yer??*


*rasenyer bnyak lagi nk kongsi,but somehow my brain suddenly went blank* Damn!! I guess I have to stop right here for now...Later,when I remember what I want to say I will share it on the next post yea??

notakaki penulis : 2 days to go and I'll be 22years old.. =D

November 26, 2011

He is 31 years.old?? Can u believe that??

It's 26/11/2011 today...........That's mean Arashi no Leader turns 31 today!! yattaaaaa!!


Seriusly u don't even look like u r in ur 30's.... U r always be a baby to the arashians....LOL~

Prove of his 'youngsterness' ....ahakz~

notakaki penulis : First time jumpe arashians kat ICLS td....choooo ureshiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!

October 29, 2011

When unexpected rezeki dtg tanpa diduga

"When unexpected rezeki dtg tanpa diduga" <---- perrgghhhh...unexpected lagi...x diduga lg...isn't it same words?? LOL~ *abaikan*

Recently (especially after graduation), I keep whinning about getting a new watch...then, survey laa sendiri jam2 yg ade (nk beli kene tggu akhir bulan...hehehehe)...survey punyer survey,berkenan laa dekat satu jam ni, 'S' brand...

Smart kan?? then bising2 laa kat my mom and dad...n diorng pown agreed nk kongsi2 beli as my graduation present....

And today,kitorng pown jalan2 kat Sunway Piramid smbil lunch kat Subway...and it happens ade satu kedai jam betul2 sebelah Subway tu...cari punyer cari, there's one design 80% similar with design yg kat atas ni..price pown lg nk dijadikan cter, rezeki tu mmg dh tertulis agaknyer, i'm not getting just one, but TWO WATCHES!!! *can u believe that??*

Totally my-style!!! If u look closely...the combination of this two watches will produce the 'S' brand watch...huhuuhu~

Choooooooooooo Uressshiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *senyum smpai telinga*

notakaki penulis : Hontou ni Arigatou!!! *bows 90 degrees*

Arashi by my side....

My new phone strap!!!!!! Pretty isn't it?? I know...I know...It's Arashi afterall....XD
Thought of making it as A.M.N.O.S, but that place don't have the right color of right alphabet
(if u are an Arashian ,then u know what i mean, deshou??)

Aihhhhhhh~ Really in love with my new phonestrap ~ <3

p/s : saye akan jage phonestrap ni dgan baeeekkk skali...percayalah~ ohokz~

October 25, 2011


Aritu ntah cmne ntah boleh mengidam jajangmyun *padahal x pernah taw pown mcm mne rase dye*

Search kat google, visit blog mkann sana sini..last2 dpat taw jajangmyun yg halal tu ade kat Sunway Piramid jer kot...laaaa, dpan umah jer upenyer..hohohoo~

X tahan sngat, penulis angkut 3 org budak ni pegi makan kat sana...hik3~

Naseb laa diorng ni jenis yg boleh telan sumer...tolak besi, batu, kayu jer..ahhahaa..mmg makan kaw2 laaa~

This is sate ayam ala2 korea (x ingat name) tp lebih kurang mcm tori karaage laa klw makan jepun...huhuhu~


DDEOBOKKI~ dekat korea dulu just dpat telan air liur jer laa duk tgok diorng jual2 tepi jalan sbb xtaw halal ke x...cili paste dye tottally delicious!! (^__^)

Main dishes...JAJANGMYUN!!! WOOOOHOOOOO~ SEDAP BEB!!! *wpon portion dye TERLAMPAU besar n eden xleh nk hbis kan sengsorng* hohohoho~

p/s : sape2 yg nk try, boleh berkunjung kat Sunway Piramid, Bahagian Asia Aveneu, x ingat floor ape tp dye satu floor dngan booth2 yg jual alat2 komputer elektronik kat atas tu...dh masuk kat Asia Aveneu tu dye belah2 dlam sket belah kiri...SELAMAT MENCUBA!!

notakaki penulis : skrang teringin nk makan IKEA meatball + doublecheese burger + beef steak + ssangyupsal + seoul garden....NAK DAGING!!!!

The day I'm officially graduated

H.I.S.A.S.H.I.B.U.R.I M.I.N.N.A....

It's been almost three month i never visited my own blog....*What a bad blogger I am..I realized that...huhuhuhu~*

owhhhh...wait2, did i said 3 months??? do u know where am I during that 3 months?? yupppzzz...I'm working!!! working!! workingg!! *echoooo....*

Okay, enough of the non-important babbling...based on the title above, iiyyyeeeeppps...*tarikh keramat : 15 October 2011*


Thanx for the wishes, cards, flowers, teddy bears and everything!! Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu!! *bows 90 degrees*

Not to forget, my DR. Couzie also graduated on the next day....OMEDETOU!!

My 2 Besties...thank u for the 4 years journey that we have gone thru together...pahit, manis, masam, masin , tawar, payau, sumer rase laa ade..i will remember it foreva...Love u!!!!!

notakaki penulis : sbnarnyer entry for graduation ni boleh pecah 4 sbb cter ni mcm dh agak basi + kemalasan melanda diri...sumbat jer sumer dlam 1 post..huhuhu~

July 31, 2011

Apabila saya me'mancing'..

Yahooooooooooo!!! Finally my 1st salary is here!! *lega gileee ade duit...sape ckp duit xleh mmbeli kebahagiaan???...hehehhe~* Ok,disebabkan *kaching2* msuk ari slase, sye dh mcm cacing kpanasan dh sbb still xleh nk g shopping-mopping..*ye laa,lpas keje terus balik umah, rehat kjap,guling2,terus tido...esok bngun pagi,keje..pastu balik...bla bla bla*

And finally Friday's has arrived!!! ptg tu jugak ak ajak kanak2 sepermainan pegi TS...mmg shopping habis-habisan laaa...duit kuar mcm air..*p/s: tp before tu saye dh langsaikan sgale utang piutang yer...* laaa hasil tangkapan saye...hik3~ *maloo nk tunjuk sbnarnyer,nnt kate saye berlagak xpe laaa...sye tnjukkan jugak~*
Haaaaa?? ape?? nk kene tunjuk gambar2 yg close-up jugak ke?? allaaaa korng ni...maloooo laaa~ *smbil ttup muke n lari masuk bilik*

Naseb xkene marah sebb beli lanyard smpai 2...huhuhu~

JAJANG!!!!!!!!! hebat kan hasil tangkapan saye??? itu laa baru dikatakan planning before buying...lallalallala..amacam?? saye dh matang kan?? sume ni KEPERLUAN yer...bukan KEHENDAK...hik3~

pastu arini g Jalan TAR plak...ramaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii giler nk muntah2 dh makan jem..last2 patah balik g Mines utk mengubat hati yg luka...hehhhhehe~ *p/s : arini xde hasil tangkapan...huhuhuhu*

ok, lpas ni dh boleh ttup account dh..duk opis,buat keje diam2 sbb bnde2 yg nk beli dh,mcm ular sawa laaa...lpas kenyang dye dh xmakan sebulan..hik3~

notakaki penulis : SELAMAT BERPUASA!!!!!! =)

July 24, 2011

Mada Minu Sekai E~

My-Arashi-tachi no new album!!!!!!!! This album wassssss AWESOME!!!! 5 Stars!!!! *throws confetti*

Title : Beautiful World

No. Of Track : 18

Solo Song : 5

New Song : 8

Song from Previous single : 5

I think I will review for only solo and their new song...*that means everything except for Hatenai sora, Lotus, Dear Snow , To be Free and Love Rainbow*

Okay....Let's start...

1. Rock This - be truth, this song is one of my list least favourite for this album..but when i hear to it about 67876554 times....this song was not too bad...well,maybe I'm not a rock person...but this song is really usefull when u r depressed...*HeadBanging Mode : ON*

2. Mada Minu Sekai E - I LOVE THE PV!!!! they really look young...the PV reminds me of A.Ra.Shi's PV 12 years ago...Natsukashii desu yo~ *to the top,to the top, to the top..come with me*

3. Always - One of my favourite tracks!!!!! Keep hearing it for millions of time and never being bored...XD

4. Niji no Kakera - My no.1 Charts of this Album!!!!! Love Sho-kun manly voice!! *although his not my ichiban*

5. Joy - First time hearing to this song at Arashi's Training Camp...So, when i listened to the whole song...the first thing came to my mind is "Ahhhh..this is the training camp song!" *basically,I don't have any impression for this song...Gomen*

6. Negai - this song reminds me of BnMF album's Kagero...*or is it just me??*

7. Morning Light - Sound like OST for Korean Drama...but I can't remember which dorama...uhuhuhu~

8. Tooku Made - Very K-pop like...Like it!!! one of my fav..but who cares, even K-pop also take some idea from J-pop maaa...C'mon, let's support both..hehehhe~

9. Doko ni Demo Aru Uta - Neen's solo....although his my go-ban, and I don't really like him...but I loveee alll his song...from Niji,Gimmick Game, Tokubetsu and now this song....I don't know why,but everytime their solo's is out, the first song that I memorized is neen's one...weird huh?

10. Kono Mama Motto - Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm soooooooo in love with Sho in this song..hope some ouji-sama will sing this song for me one day...*kyun kyun*

11. Hung Up - Oh-chan solo...really really really diffrent music arrangement compare to his solo before this...can't wait to watch his solo on BeautifulWorld concert...a 31 years old guy dancing likea hip hop star??? *Curiousity Mode : ON*

12. Shake it - My-jun2 solo...Love Everything from this song except for the "Shake2 ur body part" .... his nasal nose still not changing...I guess there's nothing we can do about it neee~

13. Janakute - Aiba's solo...First time I listen to this song I thought "Ehhhhhhhhhh?? It is really Jun style neee~" but now, I really thinks this song really suits him....

This is the Cover for the Album...Quite simple and plain...but who care's?? They are Arashi after all...XD

notakaki penulis : Their concert tour will start today...How I wish I could go and join them...(T___T)

My New Addiction : Biggy-Bangy

Sbnarnye kan, penulis dah lupe mcm mane boleh terjebak dgan mereka ber-5... *almaklum laaa..sejak jadi wanita bekerjaya ni..bnyak bnde nk kne pikir...muahahahahahaha!!* Tp klw x silap penulis semuanya bermula dari video Lollipop <--- click here to watch the video..

Start lpas dgar lagu lollipop tu laaa berjangkit kpade lagu seterusnya dan seterusnya...n now my-Biggy playlist dah jadi no.1 rival to my-Arashi-tachi playlist..

Mereka ini adalah K-pop group tp sngt aktif di Korea n Japan....sape2 yg xminat korea boleh laa berknalan dgan lagu2 Jepun diorng dulu (Highly Recommend : Beautiful Hangover, Koe o Kikasete, Baby baby baby, My Heaven and Tell Me Goodbye)

Mari berkenalan bersama mereka.....

Dari kiri : GD (pakai spec) , Daesung, Taeyang , TOP and Seungri (baju kotak)..

Dari kiri : TOP , Seungri , GD , Taeyang and Daesung

Dari kiri : Seungri , GD , Taeyang , TOP , Daesung..

Ok...Dah knal kan?? malas nk buat profile sorng2...nk taw lebih lanjut sile google sendiri...ngeh3~

And my ichiban from this group is the Leader!!!! G-Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a fashionable + cool + cute + stylo guys....totally my style..heeeeeee~ *chotto matte...jun2 also is a this fate???* (sparkling eyes)

Some picspam of my-GD.......

Kawaii deshou?? really weird style and fashion but he really look good in it....

Nak dijadikan cerita..sbb minat kpade encik2 biggy hampir setaraf dgan my-Arashi,so saye pown bershopping laaa dkat TS..alaaaaaa..tempat yg saye habiskan duit beli barang2 arashi tu laa...skrang saye habiskan duit beli barang2 biggy plak...hehhehehe~

Below is my new collection of Big Bang stuff...

Gomen2..gambar 1st tu sile rotate sndiri laaa yer..malas nk re-upload balik gambar..huhuhu~

Notakaki penulis : makin bertambah2 xde laaa duit lpas ni...aigoooo~

Saya Wanita Bekerjaya ....=)

JAJANG!!!!!!!!!!!! hye kawan2!!! after 3 months saye ilang..skrang Tora saya datang lagi utk menyemakkan hasil penaipan saye di blog ni...*eh,ni kan blog xpelaaa kalw semak pown...lalallala~*

OK...selepas selamatnya sesi penghantaran thesis 3 bulan yg lepas, ini adalah kronologi kehidupan penulis....

1. Saya ade kekasih gelap baru!!!! Big Bang!!!! tp my-Arashi-tachi still be my 1st priority...*p/s : saye seorng yg amat setia*

2. Setiap hari rutin saya bangun pagi, kemas rumah and tgok sgale dorama2 yg dh di'jeruk'kan dlam external tu...huhuhuhu~ *tp xhabis2 smpai skrang*

3. Saya attend Nihon-go no class...XD *Dah lpas level 1 with flying colors and now I'm proud to say that I'm a level 2 no gakusei desu*

4. Hazama jadi juara AF9... <--- abaikan

5. Sepah jadi juara Maharaja Lawak....RM350,000 woooooo!!! *gossip ckp nk berpecah,lpas mnang trus dan2 terus x jadi..* <---- ok,ini juga abaikan,xde kaitan dgan saye pown

6. Saya dpat tawaran keje kat TNB...sblom masuk keje sye g kursus kat ILSAS dulu seminggu...mase kursus tu sye tdo jer...kuang3~

7. Yg xleh blah sbb saye posting kat COIT,UNITEN...aiggggoooo~ Uniten dgan saye ibarat isi dan kuku..ktorng mmg xleh pisah..huhuhu~

8. Saye dh sebulan sye dtg keje xde keje.. *boss siap dh gelak2 stiap kali sye tnye "xde keje ke boss??"*

9. Lpas raya ni nnt saye kene g OBM kat Lumut,Perak...tentatif dye agak menakutkan sbb kne kayak...sye x takut kayak,tp saye takut air...Jadi,skrang saya kene blajar berenang pulak...-__-"

10 . Lagi seminggu nk masuk bulan Ramdhan...XD

notakaki penulis : Fuhhhhhh!! bnyak nk kene update ni....Update o Hajimaruyoooo!! XD

April 17, 2011

Fu-reee-ta desu!!! *I'm a Free-ter*

Hai sumerrrrrrrrrrrr!!! ohokz!ohokz!!byak nyer habuk kat blog ni,fuh!fuh! *tiup2*

After 3 months of hiatus...and Now I'm Backkkkk!!!! <--- mcm laa ade org kesah..ngeh3~

But,nevr mind...ade aku kesah??yg penting I'm officially graduated from UNI%#^!!! *ureshhhhiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!* <---- throws confetti!!

And Final examination result was really shocking...Full point...Full stop.

Presentation dh lpas,thesis dh what?? duk umah goyang kaki laa...smentara tggu TNB panggil utk mnjadi seorng wanita berkerjaya..mari menghabiskan segala movie and series kat dlam external tu..huhuhu~

Ok..that's all for today..this post is the content pown unplanned gak laa kan...but I ended my post with this pics...

notakaki penulis : Not a student anymore..ngeh3~

January 26, 2011

Otanjoubi Omedetou Sakuraiba!!!

WHOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I know it has been a month since Aiba-chan bzday and yesterday was Sho-chan's birthday!!! and i never post anything about that!!! >.<>
I was sooooo busy lately, instead tomorrow i still have to sit for my midterm exam before Chinese New Year holiday...

To all Chinese all over the world....GONG CI FA CAI!!!

and a simple edited bzday photo from me for their bzday...(^_______*)v

notakaki penulis: Xsabar nye nk tggu DVD concert smpai umahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

January 1, 2011

My precious collection..

I want to post what i buy when i was in korea a long time ago..but i never have time for it..So, i''ll combine what i buy in korea with my new arashi's collection..

p/s: don't know why the pic of the 2PM's calender and sticker doesn't want to rotate..-__-"

No need to describe it...u know it right after u seen the picture right??? ngehehehe~

notakaki penulis : Nk DVD concert 10~11 BnMF