
July 31, 2011

Apabila saya me'mancing'..

Yahooooooooooo!!! Finally my 1st salary is here!! *lega gileee ade duit...sape ckp duit xleh mmbeli kebahagiaan???...hehehhe~* Ok,disebabkan *kaching2* msuk ari slase, sye dh mcm cacing kpanasan dh sbb still xleh nk g shopping-mopping..*ye laa,lpas keje terus balik umah, rehat kjap,guling2,terus tido...esok bngun pagi,keje..pastu balik...bla bla bla*

And finally Friday's has arrived!!! ptg tu jugak ak ajak kanak2 sepermainan pegi TS...mmg shopping habis-habisan laaa...duit kuar mcm air..*p/s: tp before tu saye dh langsaikan sgale utang piutang yer...* laaa hasil tangkapan saye...hik3~ *maloo nk tunjuk sbnarnyer,nnt kate saye berlagak xpe laaa...sye tnjukkan jugak~*
Haaaaa?? ape?? nk kene tunjuk gambar2 yg close-up jugak ke?? allaaaa korng ni...maloooo laaa~ *smbil ttup muke n lari masuk bilik*

Naseb xkene marah sebb beli lanyard smpai 2...huhuhu~

JAJANG!!!!!!!!! hebat kan hasil tangkapan saye??? itu laa baru dikatakan planning before buying...lallalallala..amacam?? saye dh matang kan?? sume ni KEPERLUAN yer...bukan KEHENDAK...hik3~

pastu arini g Jalan TAR plak...ramaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii giler nk muntah2 dh makan jem..last2 patah balik g Mines utk mengubat hati yg luka...hehhhhehe~ *p/s : arini xde hasil tangkapan...huhuhuhu*

ok, lpas ni dh boleh ttup account dh..duk opis,buat keje diam2 sbb bnde2 yg nk beli dh,mcm ular sawa laaa...lpas kenyang dye dh xmakan sebulan..hik3~

notakaki penulis : SELAMAT BERPUASA!!!!!! =)

July 24, 2011

Mada Minu Sekai E~

My-Arashi-tachi no new album!!!!!!!! This album wassssss AWESOME!!!! 5 Stars!!!! *throws confetti*

Title : Beautiful World

No. Of Track : 18

Solo Song : 5

New Song : 8

Song from Previous single : 5

I think I will review for only solo and their new song...*that means everything except for Hatenai sora, Lotus, Dear Snow , To be Free and Love Rainbow*

Okay....Let's start...

1. Rock This - be truth, this song is one of my list least favourite for this album..but when i hear to it about 67876554 times....this song was not too bad...well,maybe I'm not a rock person...but this song is really usefull when u r depressed...*HeadBanging Mode : ON*

2. Mada Minu Sekai E - I LOVE THE PV!!!! they really look young...the PV reminds me of A.Ra.Shi's PV 12 years ago...Natsukashii desu yo~ *to the top,to the top, to the top..come with me*

3. Always - One of my favourite tracks!!!!! Keep hearing it for millions of time and never being bored...XD

4. Niji no Kakera - My no.1 Charts of this Album!!!!! Love Sho-kun manly voice!! *although his not my ichiban*

5. Joy - First time hearing to this song at Arashi's Training Camp...So, when i listened to the whole song...the first thing came to my mind is "Ahhhh..this is the training camp song!" *basically,I don't have any impression for this song...Gomen*

6. Negai - this song reminds me of BnMF album's Kagero...*or is it just me??*

7. Morning Light - Sound like OST for Korean Drama...but I can't remember which dorama...uhuhuhu~

8. Tooku Made - Very K-pop like...Like it!!! one of my fav..but who cares, even K-pop also take some idea from J-pop maaa...C'mon, let's support both..hehehhe~

9. Doko ni Demo Aru Uta - Neen's solo....although his my go-ban, and I don't really like him...but I loveee alll his song...from Niji,Gimmick Game, Tokubetsu and now this song....I don't know why,but everytime their solo's is out, the first song that I memorized is neen's one...weird huh?

10. Kono Mama Motto - Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm soooooooo in love with Sho in this song..hope some ouji-sama will sing this song for me one day...*kyun kyun*

11. Hung Up - Oh-chan solo...really really really diffrent music arrangement compare to his solo before this...can't wait to watch his solo on BeautifulWorld concert...a 31 years old guy dancing likea hip hop star??? *Curiousity Mode : ON*

12. Shake it - My-jun2 solo...Love Everything from this song except for the "Shake2 ur body part" .... his nasal nose still not changing...I guess there's nothing we can do about it neee~

13. Janakute - Aiba's solo...First time I listen to this song I thought "Ehhhhhhhhhh?? It is really Jun style neee~" but now, I really thinks this song really suits him....

This is the Cover for the Album...Quite simple and plain...but who care's?? They are Arashi after all...XD

notakaki penulis : Their concert tour will start today...How I wish I could go and join them...(T___T)

My New Addiction : Biggy-Bangy

Sbnarnye kan, penulis dah lupe mcm mane boleh terjebak dgan mereka ber-5... *almaklum laaa..sejak jadi wanita bekerjaya ni..bnyak bnde nk kne pikir...muahahahahahaha!!* Tp klw x silap penulis semuanya bermula dari video Lollipop <--- click here to watch the video..

Start lpas dgar lagu lollipop tu laaa berjangkit kpade lagu seterusnya dan seterusnya...n now my-Biggy playlist dah jadi no.1 rival to my-Arashi-tachi playlist..

Mereka ini adalah K-pop group tp sngt aktif di Korea n Japan....sape2 yg xminat korea boleh laa berknalan dgan lagu2 Jepun diorng dulu (Highly Recommend : Beautiful Hangover, Koe o Kikasete, Baby baby baby, My Heaven and Tell Me Goodbye)

Mari berkenalan bersama mereka.....

Dari kiri : GD (pakai spec) , Daesung, Taeyang , TOP and Seungri (baju kotak)..

Dari kiri : TOP , Seungri , GD , Taeyang and Daesung

Dari kiri : Seungri , GD , Taeyang , TOP , Daesung..

Ok...Dah knal kan?? malas nk buat profile sorng2...nk taw lebih lanjut sile google sendiri...ngeh3~

And my ichiban from this group is the Leader!!!! G-Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a fashionable + cool + cute + stylo guys....totally my style..heeeeeee~ *chotto matte...jun2 also is a this fate???* (sparkling eyes)

Some picspam of my-GD.......

Kawaii deshou?? really weird style and fashion but he really look good in it....

Nak dijadikan cerita..sbb minat kpade encik2 biggy hampir setaraf dgan my-Arashi,so saye pown bershopping laaa dkat TS..alaaaaaa..tempat yg saye habiskan duit beli barang2 arashi tu laa...skrang saye habiskan duit beli barang2 biggy plak...hehhehehe~

Below is my new collection of Big Bang stuff...

Gomen2..gambar 1st tu sile rotate sndiri laaa yer..malas nk re-upload balik gambar..huhuhu~

Notakaki penulis : makin bertambah2 xde laaa duit lpas ni...aigoooo~

Saya Wanita Bekerjaya ....=)

JAJANG!!!!!!!!!!!! hye kawan2!!! after 3 months saye ilang..skrang Tora saya datang lagi utk menyemakkan hasil penaipan saye di blog ni...*eh,ni kan blog xpelaaa kalw semak pown...lalallala~*

OK...selepas selamatnya sesi penghantaran thesis 3 bulan yg lepas, ini adalah kronologi kehidupan penulis....

1. Saya ade kekasih gelap baru!!!! Big Bang!!!! tp my-Arashi-tachi still be my 1st priority...*p/s : saye seorng yg amat setia*

2. Setiap hari rutin saya bangun pagi, kemas rumah and tgok sgale dorama2 yg dh di'jeruk'kan dlam external tu...huhuhuhu~ *tp xhabis2 smpai skrang*

3. Saya attend Nihon-go no class...XD *Dah lpas level 1 with flying colors and now I'm proud to say that I'm a level 2 no gakusei desu*

4. Hazama jadi juara AF9... <--- abaikan

5. Sepah jadi juara Maharaja Lawak....RM350,000 woooooo!!! *gossip ckp nk berpecah,lpas mnang trus dan2 terus x jadi..* <---- ok,ini juga abaikan,xde kaitan dgan saye pown

6. Saya dpat tawaran keje kat TNB...sblom masuk keje sye g kursus kat ILSAS dulu seminggu...mase kursus tu sye tdo jer...kuang3~

7. Yg xleh blah sbb saye posting kat COIT,UNITEN...aiggggoooo~ Uniten dgan saye ibarat isi dan kuku..ktorng mmg xleh pisah..huhuhu~

8. Saye dh sebulan sye dtg keje xde keje.. *boss siap dh gelak2 stiap kali sye tnye "xde keje ke boss??"*

9. Lpas raya ni nnt saye kene g OBM kat Lumut,Perak...tentatif dye agak menakutkan sbb kne kayak...sye x takut kayak,tp saye takut air...Jadi,skrang saya kene blajar berenang pulak...-__-"

10 . Lagi seminggu nk masuk bulan Ramdhan...XD

notakaki penulis : Fuhhhhhh!! bnyak nk kene update ni....Update o Hajimaruyoooo!! XD