
October 29, 2011

When unexpected rezeki dtg tanpa diduga

"When unexpected rezeki dtg tanpa diduga" <---- perrgghhhh...unexpected lagi...x diduga lg...isn't it same words?? LOL~ *abaikan*

Recently (especially after graduation), I keep whinning about getting a new watch...then, survey laa sendiri jam2 yg ade (nk beli kene tggu akhir bulan...hehehehe)...survey punyer survey,berkenan laa dekat satu jam ni, 'S' brand...

Smart kan?? then bising2 laa kat my mom and dad...n diorng pown agreed nk kongsi2 beli as my graduation present....

And today,kitorng pown jalan2 kat Sunway Piramid smbil lunch kat Subway...and it happens ade satu kedai jam betul2 sebelah Subway tu...cari punyer cari, there's one design 80% similar with design yg kat atas ni..price pown lg nk dijadikan cter, rezeki tu mmg dh tertulis agaknyer, i'm not getting just one, but TWO WATCHES!!! *can u believe that??*

Totally my-style!!! If u look closely...the combination of this two watches will produce the 'S' brand watch...huhuuhu~

Choooooooooooo Uressshiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *senyum smpai telinga*

notakaki penulis : Hontou ni Arigatou!!! *bows 90 degrees*

Arashi by my side....

My new phone strap!!!!!! Pretty isn't it?? I know...I know...It's Arashi afterall....XD
Thought of making it as A.M.N.O.S, but that place don't have the right color of right alphabet
(if u are an Arashian ,then u know what i mean, deshou??)

Aihhhhhhh~ Really in love with my new phonestrap ~ <3

p/s : saye akan jage phonestrap ni dgan baeeekkk skali...percayalah~ ohokz~

October 25, 2011


Aritu ntah cmne ntah boleh mengidam jajangmyun *padahal x pernah taw pown mcm mne rase dye*

Search kat google, visit blog mkann sana sini..last2 dpat taw jajangmyun yg halal tu ade kat Sunway Piramid jer kot...laaaa, dpan umah jer upenyer..hohohoo~

X tahan sngat, penulis angkut 3 org budak ni pegi makan kat sana...hik3~

Naseb laa diorng ni jenis yg boleh telan sumer...tolak besi, batu, kayu jer..ahhahaa..mmg makan kaw2 laaa~

This is sate ayam ala2 korea (x ingat name) tp lebih kurang mcm tori karaage laa klw makan jepun...huhuhu~


DDEOBOKKI~ dekat korea dulu just dpat telan air liur jer laa duk tgok diorng jual2 tepi jalan sbb xtaw halal ke x...cili paste dye tottally delicious!! (^__^)

Main dishes...JAJANGMYUN!!! WOOOOHOOOOO~ SEDAP BEB!!! *wpon portion dye TERLAMPAU besar n eden xleh nk hbis kan sengsorng* hohohoho~

p/s : sape2 yg nk try, boleh berkunjung kat Sunway Piramid, Bahagian Asia Aveneu, x ingat floor ape tp dye satu floor dngan booth2 yg jual alat2 komputer elektronik kat atas tu...dh masuk kat Asia Aveneu tu dye belah2 dlam sket belah kiri...SELAMAT MENCUBA!!

notakaki penulis : skrang teringin nk makan IKEA meatball + doublecheese burger + beef steak + ssangyupsal + seoul garden....NAK DAGING!!!!

The day I'm officially graduated

H.I.S.A.S.H.I.B.U.R.I M.I.N.N.A....

It's been almost three month i never visited my own blog....*What a bad blogger I am..I realized that...huhuhuhu~*

owhhhh...wait2, did i said 3 months??? do u know where am I during that 3 months?? yupppzzz...I'm working!!! working!! workingg!! *echoooo....*

Okay, enough of the non-important babbling...based on the title above, iiyyyeeeeppps...*tarikh keramat : 15 October 2011*


Thanx for the wishes, cards, flowers, teddy bears and everything!! Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu!! *bows 90 degrees*

Not to forget, my DR. Couzie also graduated on the next day....OMEDETOU!!

My 2 Besties...thank u for the 4 years journey that we have gone thru together...pahit, manis, masam, masin , tawar, payau, sumer rase laa ade..i will remember it foreva...Love u!!!!!

notakaki penulis : sbnarnyer entry for graduation ni boleh pecah 4 sbb cter ni mcm dh agak basi + kemalasan melanda diri...sumbat jer sumer dlam 1 post..huhuhu~