Too much of Arashi's Love in this concert..Can not take it anymore!!!!*faint*
May 29, 2010
Arashi's concert 5x10 screencap.
Too much of Arashi's Love in this concert..Can not take it anymore!!!!*faint*
May 27, 2010
Enough said.
Women sometimes can be too noisy ne~
May 26, 2010
Ja,minna-san...i think i'll be off now to watch my ikemen's performance...hehehhe~
May 21, 2010
Shigoto wa tsukareta!!!!!!!
May 19, 2010
May 18, 2010
Irfan's Bzday + Mother's Day
Saying Bye2 to Thomas.
And for my my Lee Yong Dae-oppa doesn't appear and play for this Thomas Cup, I think I just post his kawaii picture with the shuttlecock...and also The Man of The Tournament,Lin Dan!!!!mechaaaa sekushii...(*_____*) wink2....
update : actually,my last post is on 4th May 2010..not so long lah..ahakz~
notakaki penulis : Malaysia Boleh!!!
May 4, 2010
Kerja itu sngt memenatkan..
PENATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tp boleh laaa tahan best...lpas kene tukar kat dptment customer management,baru laa rase dpat idop ngan org...hahahhaha
Klw dulu keje tggu org call and assist klw diorng ade masalah..skang ni keje dh up sket...kene masuk kan sumer issues dlam system...keje dye senang bnyak bnde leceh...key-in data,scan,attach document nan to ka nan to ka.....@______@
Pagi td server down...lagi laa bosan..duk saje2 xde keje....bkn laa xde keje langsung..ade laa sket2.. yg best nyer sedar x sedar ni dh masuk bulan ke-2 minggu pertama hari ke-2 *mcm AF laa plak* penulis kerja tanpa cuti..ulang balik eh..TANPA CUTI..*muahahhahhaha* <---gelak bangga...
klw kat uniten tu,dlam sebulan tu ade laa jgak terponteng bbrape kelas..huhuhuhu~
notakaki penulis : skett je lagi..skett jer lagi..
May 1, 2010
Tanjoubi Omedetou Kei-chan!!
Tell me I'm Japanese freak...I don't care..ahahhaaha!!
Today a.k.a 1 May 2010,Our Kei-chan has turn 26th!!!
Name: 小山慶一郎 (こやま けいいちろう)
Name (romaji): Koyama Keiichiro
Nicknames: Koyama, Keii or Kei-chan, Koyamacchi
Profession: Actor and singer
Birthdate: 1984-May-01
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 177cm *
Weight: 59kg
Star sign: Taurus
Blood type: O
Group : NewS
Drama : Yukan Club,Hanayome wa Yakudoshi ,etc. yg dh terase curang sedikit ngan ARASHI ni...sikit jer...hahahahhahha!!! *gomen-ne ARASHI minna-san*
And2 today also, Malaysia are celebrating "Labour Day",which mean today is public holiday...
Demo ne, atashi wa shigoto o daikirai!!!!!!!!so,this Labour Day mean nothing to me...
but still i want to wish you all,
HAPPY LABOUR DAY!!! Enjoy your holiday people!!=)
notakaki penulis : I think this is my 33394336492 times i said that "I hate works",did I??