
May 18, 2010

Saying Bye2 to Thomas.

Hisashiburi minna-san!!!(^_____^)v

It's been a while ne until my last update for Kei-chan birthday. I've been really busy lately due to my industrial training at TM Tower.

So,today I will mumbling about Thomas & Uber cup that had ended last week. I think it's not too late for me to congratulate Korean's woman team for winning the Uber Cup [after 5 times loses to China] and not to forget the China's men team for winning the Thomas Cup [for 4 times in a row and this is the 8th time they grab the cup].

As for Malaysian team, I would like to congratulate u guys too for working so hard for this tournament. I know how hard it is to perform at our own "home" in front of thousands supporters that have big hope for u guys to win the Thomas Cup after 18 years since we won it at 1992. The tension is high ne~~~This doesn't mean you guys are bad player,but the China team is better!!!So, I'm wishing and hoping that u guys will train 1000000000000 times harder,so that u can redeem back your "kekalahan" for next tournament...ok????

Demo ne, ii kara....u guys have work your butts off ...dakara,otsukaresamadeshita!!!![bowing] (m___m)

So,as a token of appreciation for Malaysian team,I'll present to you the Malaysian badminton team!!!!

And for my my Lee Yong Dae-oppa doesn't appear and play for this Thomas Cup, I think I just post his kawaii picture with the shuttlecock...and also The Man of The Tournament,Lin Dan!!!!mechaaaa sekushii...(*_____*) wink2....

update : actually,my last post is on 4th May 2010..not so long lah..ahakz~

notakaki penulis : Malaysia Boleh!!!

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