
May 27, 2010

Women sometimes can be too noisy ne~

Yeahhh...I know I'm a woman too...but I'm not the type of woman that like to sebok2 hal org laen....

I give u several situation:

Situation 1 :
A mother pick up their child at school.
and anak tu mmg tgah penat giler.

Mom : Lapar ke kenyang??
Anak : Kenyang ag..dh makan mase rehat td.
M : Makan ape mse rehat td??
A : Nasi lemak ngan sirap..nasi lemak dye bnyak giler..saket perut dh ni..
M : Murah ke mahal makann tu??
A : Boleh tahan la...sumer RM3.50
M : Makan ngan sape??
A : Ngan A,B,C,D,E..
M : 5 org jer???Jaja ngan Nana x join ke??
A : diorng ade hal....
M : Hal ape???
A : ..........................

Situation 2:
A wife packing up her husband clothes because his going outstation.

Wife : Pukul bpe awak pegi esok??
Ans : Pagi
: Brape org??
: 6 org jer
: Owwhhh...6 org...sape diorng tu??
: A,B,C,D,E,F...
: Satu tempat keje ngan awak ke??
: D ngan E satu tempat keje..yg laen2 bknnye awak kenal pown..
: Yg laen2 tu keje kat mane??
: Kat company X,Y,Z.....
: Keje sebagai ape diorng tu.
: @#(@#(*@(!@&
: Pegi dgan bpe buah kete esok??
: 2 jer kot..
: Kete ape??
: @^@ Ngan GWW
:Sape yg drive???
: ..................................

omooooooo~ bnyak nyer soalannnnn........@______@

Situation 3.
A couple having a difficulty to choose what to eat while dating.

GF : Jom makan @^@*&@&....saya xmkan dri pagi taw..
BF : Xmau laa...saya xmakan bnde tu..
: Eh???awak x makn @#Y@I@*(#??
: x..saye x suke laa maknn2 yg berunsurkan bnde2 mcm tu..
: Ape lagi yg awak xmakan???
: hmmmmmmm....tu je laa kot yg saya boleh pkir skang ni...
: @*#!@) awak makan x???
: Makan.
: Makan.
: Awk nk sebut sumer makann yg ade kat dunia ni ke???

Can you see how noisy and busybody a woman can be????It's true that maybe they just curious @ concern about the people they love...but.......................sometimes they should think whether the times and places are suitable to ask that kind of question.
notakaki penulis : Can u just leave me alone???!!

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