
May 29, 2010

Arashi's concert 5x10 screencap.

I know that there are thousands @ millions of you that have post the screencap of the concerts and it's kind of late of me to post this..But hey,can't i post it on my blog too???hehhehe~

The concerts was TOTALLY SUPERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hontouni subarashii deshou ne~
Otsukaresama Arashi minna-san...*bowing* (m_._m)

So,here are the screencaps...

My Girl's performances
Matsumiya moments
Juntoshi moments
Errkk...truthfully,I hate this "scout-like" costume.
Allergy's performance [don't understand why they must perform with those veges]

Too much of Arashi's Love in this concert..Can not take it anymore!!!!*faint*

But,some of my favorite songs is not included in this concert...[eg. Cry For U,Right Back To U,Yes?No?]..I guess they had enough during the TIME concert n AAA concert ne~

notakaki penulis : ARASHI DAISUKI!!

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