It's Friday minna-san!!!!!!!!!!!!!that mean i have two days off from the working environment....fweeehhhh..yokatta-ne~~...(^____^)v...
Remember the last entry that i've said the supervisor give me loads of work????Want to see it???here you go....
It's sure lots and tonnes of work ne~~..-_____-"
n guess what???all of this must finish by this TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!How am i supposed to key-in all of this in two days???
chotto matte...I'm going to PD for 3days 2nights from Sunday to Tuesday...and the works have to finish by Tuesday...So,I'm safe!!!!!!!!!Yeayyyyyyyy!!Yeayyyyyy!!!
*goofing and jumping from happines*
.....[Good Luck laa yer wan kaka,mintak Santhia tolong yer..ahhahahha~]
and working and working again
And this is the results of wake up 6.00am everyday sitting in front of the PC for 9 hours a day,5 days a week for 1 and a half month...[and i still have 1 month to go.....-_____-"]
Look at those eyebags!!!!!!
Yabai!!!Yabaii!!!Yabai!! *sambil jalan mundar-mandir ke hulu-ke hilir*
OMG!!this situation is really NG ne~~ I really need a rest...@_____@
I wonder how I will be when I enter the real working world????.hmmmmmm....
and thanx to the coffee maker in the office that have become my everyday really help me through my sleepy day in the morning...
n the worst thing when you have extra portion of caffeine in your body is your heartbeat is increasing - from doki..doki..doki.. to dokidoki..dokidoki..dokidoki....[get what i mean???]
notakaki penulis: x snggup nk menghitamkan diri kat PD....;'(
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